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Honoring Jason Fairchild Acevedo: 16th Birthday R.I.P (3/08/2022), With a Visit to the Japanese Garden, in Lake Balboa.


Today is your birthday. You would have been sixteen years old. I will celebrate you be heading over to the Japanese Garden (in Lake Balboa). The Japanese Garden is a beautiful and tranquil place that you would have loved visiting. As you were a lover of all things Japanese. It goes without saying that I will carry on a continuous stream of conversation with you as I peruse the grounds of the garden, snap photographs, and perhaps partake in some tea and cookies. I asked Jessica to join me but she is crazy busy with work. I don’t know how she’s never been to this jewel in the valley, but I mentioned that perhaps we can attend this year’s Cherry Blossom Festival together, as a family. I know Italia, Diora, and Aurora would fall in love with the place.  

The Gift Store at the Japanese Garden sells bonsai trees. I have this idea to purchase one to give to Dad as a gift. If I had the money, I would buy one for Jessica and myself.  There is something very peaceful about them. They help remind us to try and live life in the moment. To focus on the now and the task at hand. That we need to take a moment for ourselves and channel our creativity. Of course they immediately remind me of the Karate kid and Mr. Miyagi. If you remember, Mr. Miyagi had shown a troubled Daniel how to care for his very own Bonsai Tree, as a way to de-stress and forget about his troubles for a while. But would also use that time to speak words of wisdom and bond with Daniel. I’m pretty sure you told me you were a fan of the show “Cobra Kai”. Me and Paulo are huge fans of “Cobra Kai”. It is witty and funny and brings us great joy. I’ve tried to get Nicholas to watch “Cobra Kai”, but he’s not interested. He had watched the original “Karate Kid” movie with us and seemed to like it. But has passed on watching the sequels. If Cobra Kai had been about teenagers studying to become professional boxers I’m sure he would become hooked. I love that I know you can hear my thoughts and words. You have yet to pay me a visit. Sometimes I wonder what you are waiting for. Perhaps you are worried your presence may startle me. Please know I’d welcome the momentary fright if it means I get to see your face or feel your loving energy and light. I miss and love you so much, now and always. Your sister, Dahlia. (Text continued down below).

I don't remember the last time I saw The Japanese Garden so full of colorful, blooming flowers. However, we are having early spring weather. So I'm not at all surprised. I showed without making a reservation and got in for free! A very nice surprise. I haven't been in a while, so it could be they only charge people to visit on the weekends. Face masks are still required upon entry. But most people had removed them upon entering the Garden, and weren't asked to put them back on. They are only allowing a handful of people in every hour, so everyone manages to keep their distance. Keep an eye out for a possible Cherry Blossom Festival later this Spring. It is a wonderful event for the whole family with story telling, crafts, musical entertainment, and a demonstration of traditional Japanese tea time. 


  1. Thank you for sharing your sweet conversation with your brother Jason. I felt like I was right there with you. And.thtiae gardens bloomed early by no accident. 🙏 It looks stunning as ever. Love you so much. Happy heavenly birthday Jason.

    1. Your kind words really touched my heart Angela. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog entry.

  2. I love your article about Jason & the Japanese Garden, and the beautiful photos. So, Jason would have been 16 on March 8th.
    Love you.

  3. Thank you so much Helen! I would love to take you to the Japanese Garden next time you visit. Yeah, 16 years old. He would have been learning how to drive, and possibly getting his first job.


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