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Four Super Foods You Should Eat Daily For Optimal Health

By Dahlia Acevedo

Remember I spoke about establishing a healthy exercise routine. Well, establishing good eating habits, routinely eating the same food items for optimal health, works the same way. Make sure you stock up on these four food items weekly so you can enjoy eating them daily and reap their health benefits. I hardly ever get sick. When I do, its normally a small cold that goes away in a few days. I really do believe this is a direct result of the vitamin and antioxidant rich foods I eat daily. The following foods will strengthen your immune system, boost your energy levels, and help improve focus / mental clarity, among many other things.


Yes, you can have two eggs per day! Eat the whole dang egg! Its protein rich, chock full of vitamins, antioxidants and GOOD cholesterol. Did you know they contain vitamin D, which helps you absorb calcium and is good for your bones. Also, they contain vitamin B12, which helps to regulate your mood, and promotes healthy blood cells, better circulation, and stronger hair. Eggs contain good fats, also known as PUFAs, that help curb hunger.

Image result for eggsHard boiled eggs make a yummy snack!

               Dark chocolate

As I'm sure you have heard many times, dark chocolate has a high amount of antioxidants, the higher the percentage of cacao, the more benefits you will reap. 70% or higher is recommended. Lucky for you, Trader Joes sells large dark chocolate bars, 72%, for five dollar. It is actually quite delicious. My husband has purchased this a few times now. I go through approximately one per week, with my husband's help that is. He burns through his milk chocolate one way too quickly!

Dark Chocolate promotes Improved heart health, can lower blood pressure, and improve circulation: It helps reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and Increase HDL (good cholesterol). Additionally, it improves cognitive ability and performance, boosting focus and memory. Personal trainers have been known to give one or two squares of dark chocolate to clients before beginning a work out session, in order to stabilize blood sugar and curb hunger. Since often times people won't eat before working out. Dark chocolate is also a great pick me up / alternative to drinking a cup of coffee or tea, in the middle of the day.

 Enjoy a square or two before bed. Not enough caffeine to keep you awake.

                   Mixed Berries

Are loaded with antioxidants, fight inflammation, promote cognitive improvement, help to regulate blood sugar (insulin levels), and improve cardio vascular health. They contain a lot of fiber, which in turn helps you feel full for a longer period of time. Some studies suggest they are good for your skin. Help to fight (free radicals) , wrinkles and help you look younger, 

Delicious in smoothies, yogurt, cereal, or frozen as a summer snack. Especially when mixed with one banana. I normally purchase a large bag of frozen mixed berries, and toss with a sliced banana, to eat as a snack at work. 


Kale is one of those super foods you sometimes hear a lot about. It is rich in antioxidants, low in calories, has a high water content,  protein and fiber (which means it helps you to feel fuller, longer).  It is an excellent source of vitamin C. Containing more than most other vegetables. One cup contains more vitamin C then a whole orange! Additionally, Kale is a great source of calcium, magnesium and Potassium (which helps to reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease). It has been found to increase HDL (good cholesterol), and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol). Kale is rich in vitamin K, which promotes healthy eyes. And contains substances that are known to help fight cancer. 

For the longest time I would throw kale into my morning smoothie. It is delicious and DOES curb your appetite. It gives me an energy boost and helps to clean you out, if you know what I mean. I've often times upped my kale intake if I felt I was getting sick, or when it's that time of the month. Since our immune systems are generally weaker during that time. Mix some kale into your scrambled eggs, throw some into your salad, bake some in the oven to eat as a snack. It doesn't have a strong flavor, which makes it versatile. Only down side is, it can bloat you and give you gas. The Doctor has recommended drinking warm water or tea to combat this inflammation.

Image result for kale



  1. Wow, you did a wonderful job explaining what the great benefits of these super-foods are! I like kale in salads. It does fill you up for sure. Thank you for the great article! 😊

    1. Thank you for dropping by! I'm glad you liked it 😁


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