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4 Awesome Benefits of Exercising: Especially During Your Cycle

By Dahlia Acevedo

You don't need me to tell you that exercising on a regular basis has many benefits. I am simply trying to make a case for it, and perhaps help inspire you to get out and move that body. I've found it is easier to stick to a routine, when you make it just that: Something you do every day. It is easy to skip one day, easier to skip two, and much easier to skip three. You get the picture. Below I have touched on four benefits of exercise that have a more immediate affect on a person's well being.

Better Sleep and Less aches and Pains.

It sucks getting older doesn't it? Well, I remember a time not too long ago, when I had gotten super lazy and stopped exercising altogether. During the day I was experiencing back and neck pain, soreness in my belly and sides. Probably because I sit all day at work.

Since I have started exercising again, which is most days. I am pretty much falling asleep right away and sleeping through the night (the body is tired). Definitely getting a better quality sleep. And I very rarely wake up in pain.

Also, exercise strengthens your core, which results in better posture and less aches and pains.

When we get a better quality sleep we tend to feel happier, have more patience / tolerance for loved ones and life situations, are better able to focus on work  / are more productive at work, and have more energy!, can get more done!

I've definitely noticed significantly less aches and pains during my cycle. Especially headaches. I normally get those 2 or 3 days in a row.

Releases endorphins and helps regulate hormones (mood)

If you are anything like me, when it's that time of the month you feel very lethargic, moody and lack the motivation to do much of anything. The last couple of months I have been struggling with this, as I attempt to get back into shape. Yesterday when I got home from work, I felt very fatigued. I had an emotionally draining day (internal emotions: you know what I mean ladies!), as I struggled to keep a smile on my face and interact with co-workers at a lengthy lunch in celebration. On top of that I had physical pain and bloating. The last thing I wanted to do when I got home was exercise. What I really wanted to do was curl up under the covers and cry. But, I forced myself to get dressed and go out the door. The first couple of minutes felt difficult, but as my body warmed up a bit, the walk got a lot easier. My endorphins kicked in about half hour in and I started to feel better, and suddenly had the energy to keep going. An hour later when I arrived home I felt amazing. I felt happy, energized, and my muscles felt warm and relaxed (so less pain and physical discomfort).

Every time I feel sad, angry or moody and I go for a walk or a bike ride, I always wind up feeling much, much better.

A confidence booster

You may have just started working out a few days ago, but I bet you are already feeling more confident about the way you look. It's interesting how big of a confidence booster exercise can be. You feel thinner (especially when your clothes fit comfortably or baggy), more attractive, younger, more confident at work (your a strong / kick ass person), and you perhaps begin to notice the opposite sex checking you out. You've been working hard and it shows! This confidence can boost your sex life and enhance your work performance.

Set personal goals for yourself. Walk, run, or bike an extra mile, challeng yourself. Up your zumba, spin and pilates classes from two to three times a week. Once you meet these goals you are sure to feel strong, powerful, amazing, youthful, And have that over all wonderful feeling of being able to acomplish anything you set your mind to. You are feeling CONFIDENT.

Boosts your metabolism

Exercising on a regular basis is going to boost your metabolism. In general when you begin an exercise regime you tend to feel hungrier and want to eat more often. As long as you are eating healthy this shouldn't be an issue. I am aware that avocados, mixed nuts, peanut butter and certain cheeses contain a lot of fat. However, they are the healthy type of fat that is actually good for your body, and your muscles, as they are sources of protein. If you are doing more intensive forms of exercise on a regular basic, such as weight lifting, bike riding / spin classes, running, pilates reformer workouts, zumba, you need to take in more protein.

Switching to whole wheat products are a good idea, as they help to keep you full for a longer (much longer), period of time: Oatmeal, shredded wheat cereal, whole wheat / pumpernickel bread / bagels, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat based snacks.The good news is you are still burning off most of your fat even if you are suddenly eating more. You are building muscle which will in turn burn even more fat. So as long as you are eating healthy, and in MODERATION, you should continue to lose weight and tone up. For example: On a typical night I will eat two servings of meat or fish (two pieces), and a half /one yam (sometimes with veggies or salad), sometimes with a serving of brown rice. If I had something carby for lunch I am less likely to have something carby with my dinner.


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