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The Awe Inspiring Mount Rubidoux Hiking Trail (Riverside, CA)

The Awe Inspiring 
 Mount Rubidoux  

One feels transported to another place. In my case I felt as if I were on vacation in Arizona, due to the design of rock formations on the trail, and colors of the vast landscape. Which is what you want out of a daytime excursion (if you are unable to travel, such as conditions are now with the Corona Virus) Please exercise caution. Yes, we enjoyed ourselves immensely, but most visitors were not wearing masks. Paulo reminded me it was most likey because Mount Rubidoux is located in Riverside (a different county)

This is seriously one of the most beautiful hiking trails I've ever visited. During the entire hike you are rewarded with sweeping views of the city, the river, and even a lake. On the way to the top, there are countless benches /look out spots, a smaller charming bridge, followed by the bridge at Peace Tower. Which is a replica of a noted bridge in Alcantara, Spain, built in 1925. Carved into the top of the tower are the names of various countries, united in peace. A newly married married couple posed atop the bridge for their photographer. They were dressed in fancy atire, the woman with chunky stilletto heels. In the shadows of the evening they truely looked like a story book couple (Disney royalty). Paulo commented to the lady, "You hiked all the way up here in those heels?!", (It's an uphill hike all the way). "She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes", type of treck. The woman and her spouse just laughed, as I responded, "No, she hiked up bare foot and is just now putting on her high heels.", This received a chuckle as well. As we walked away I told Paulo her husband must have carried her most of the way. She was after all, an itty bitty little thing. 

Yes, the hike is uphill the entire time, but the historic markers on display, such as the "Cross at the Summit", with it's ampitheater type seating, once you get to the top, are awe inspiring, and make the adventure worth while. It is the site of the oldest, outdoor, non-denominational Easter Sunrise Service in the United States.

It makes me laugh that the Mount Ribidoux trail was marked as Easy (versus moderate or difficult). It is true that there were many young kids on the trail, as well as dogs. But I would not ever refer to this as an easy hike. But please don't let that discourage you. This is a must visit, you will be sorry if you don't type place. A huge tourist attraction till this day. Make a day of it. Visit the mission and perhaps even the drive in movie theater. And please enjoy the pictures I have posted below. 



  1. Wow! Gorgeous. Always good when there are things to see along a hike besides just plants... (Not that i don't love plats... )
    Like being on an adventure.

    1. Yes! I am always in search of hikes containing ocean views, hills covered in wild flowers, city views, etc. Thanks for dropping by!


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